Unless otherwise noted, all nets are hosted on our Rose Hill repeater system and times listed are in the Pacific time zone (current time).
What is a Net?
A repeater net is an on-air meeting of amateur radio operators. These on-air meetings at often at prearranged times, usually for a specific purpose or topic of interest. Lake Washington Ham Club has several repeaters in the area that enable members and non-members to socialize with one another and build community.
The repeaters may also be used for special events and emergency coordination in the event of a local disaster. This is relatively uncommon though, so if you're worried you may be interrupting something, listen for a few minutes and then ask if the repeater is in use.
Interested in Helping?
If you have questions about the nets or are interested in helping we are often looking for volunteers. Running a net is easy and is a great way of sharpening your radio skills. Contact John W7JSM at for more information. To learn more details, please see: Wanted: Net Control Operators (
Net Scripts:
The script for the daily 11AM Health and Wellness Net can be found under Resources or accessed directly from here.
The script for the weekly 7PM Tuesday evening Welcoming Net can be found under Resources or accessed directly from here.
For any questions, please contact our Net Control Manager John, W7JSM.