Wanted: Net Control Operators

QST! The Lake Washington Ham Club Net Ops Team is looking for more volunteer net control operators for our social nets: the 11AM Health & Wellness Net, and the evening Tuesday 7PM social net.

These nets are operated through our linked Rose Hill repeater system.

The 11AM Health & Wellness Net and the 7pm Tuesday Social Net are known and appreciated by our ham community for their friendly and welcoming atmospheres. The Health and Wellness net has an optional "question of the day" format, which allow everyone to focus on a given subject and get to know each other better in the process.

We are lucky to have many dedicated and welcoming volunteer net control operators.

We would love to bring some new folks on to help share in the fun of hosting these social nets. Please contact Net Ops Manager John W7JSM, at W7JSM@outlook.com, for more information.