Become a community member

The mission of the Lake Washington Ham Club is to create a positive and welcoming environment for all amateur radio operators and enthusiasts where everyone can learn, enjoy the hobby, explore new challenges, and build life-long friendships.

Our monthly club meeting and Rain or Shine events are free and open to all. We do not require that you have a current amateur radio license to participate. We do ask that all participants show respect to one another as peers and conduct ourselves to earn that respect at all times.

Annual donations

Many hams stretching back decades have pitched in to support the club through their annual donations, gifts of time, and other resources. Collectively, these contributions enhance the capabilities and opportunities that make LWHC the special place that it is. Club activities, repeaters, and other infrastructure are funded through our community members.

We ask that you consider supporting the club through a regular $10/year donation. Annual donors are recognized as Lake Washington Ham Club Community Members.

Community Members get access to our email group for great discussions, resources, opportunities to serve on committees, membership in the LWHC ClubLog league and access to our vibrant amateur radio community.

The email group is moderated so there may be a delay between the time that you make the request to join and the request completing. If you have made the request to join the group and you do not get a response within a day or so, contact Brian, KB2S (

How to join the club

Please email or mail the following information to us to begin the process:

Your name
Call sign
Email address
Home mailing address
City/State/Zip code
Contact phone number

Send the above to so that we can enter you into our database. This database is not given to any third parties or sold to advertisers. It is only kept for the purposes of running relevant club activities. If you have any questions about the process please contact Brian, KB2S (

Making an annual donation

Many local companies, such as Microsoft Corporation and Boeing, have matching gift programs for non-profits, including reimbursement for volunteer hours. Contact your HR department to check to see matching funds can be made available from your employer.

For your convenience, we accept credit card payments through PayPal. If you want to pay online, fill-in your call sign below and press "Buy Now" to initiate the transaction.


Call sign (annual donation):

Alternatively, you may mail donations to:

Lake Washington Ham Club
P.O. Box 2432
Kirkland, WA. 98083, USA

Applying for lifetime membership

Applications for lifetime membership are currently paused.

Life Memberships are now being offered to current club members in good standing. A member in good standing is one that pays their dues and participates in club activities.

Details of the Life Membership program are:

  • The fee is $75 as a one-time fee. Life Membership is subject to the approval of the club’s Board of Directors. In the event your request is denied, your one-time fee will be refunded. While the standard way to become a life member is through this one-time fee, the Board may also consider large donations of funds or equipment as a valid criterion for Life Membership.
  • Each call sign requires the one-time payment of life membership fee. No family plan will be considered.
  • The club waives the annual membership dues for Life Members for their lifetime. Non-transferable.
  • If a life member moves away and if the member requests it, the account would be placed on inactive status and could be reactivated by a simple request later on.
  • We request that the Life members verify and/or update their contact information for the roster at least once a year.

IMPORTANT: To continually improve the program, the Life Membership program is subject to change at the discretion of the club’s Board of Directors. If changes are implemented, details of the changes will be published 90 days prior to the changes becoming effective. In an extraordinary event, the club’s Board of Directors reserves the right to revoke a Life Membership. If this happens the member’s one-time fee will be refunded minus the annual renewal rate for each year as a Life Member.

Name Call Lifetime Membership
David Condon KI7YP Honorary Life Member, Founding Board Member
John Schurman AA7UJ Honorary Life Member, Founding Board Member
Conrad Thompson N7DUO (SK) Honorary Life Member, Founding Board Member
Horace Hamby N7DRW Honorary Life Member, Previous Board Member
Chris Shriver KE7EBL Honorary Life Member, Previous Board Member
Marc Allen WM7RA Life Member since January 2021
Gregg Allyn W7BXF Life Member since January 2021
Boris Antsev KJ7G Life Member since January 2021
“dB” Baker WA3DB (SK) Life Member since January 2021
Amy Baker KI7LTY Life Member since January 2021
Curt Black WR5J Life Member since January 2021
Dave Baker AF7TH Life Member since January 2021
Vivian Bliss KI7UBE Life Member since January 2021
John Boal K9JEB Life Member since January 2021
Dan Chaney KB7RYY Life Member since January 2021
Ronald Fuller AG7UF Life Member since January 2021
Brett Grant KI7YFP Life Member since January 2021
Mark Griffith KLOMO Life Member since January 2021
Matthew Harris KI7APY Life Member since January 2021
Chaz Hitz N7NNS Life Member since January 2021
Jessica Jones K7MMV Life Member since January 2021
Toby Jones KJ7ROQ Life Member since January 2021
Rick Molloy KZ0MB Life Member since January 2021
Paul Nicholson KI7E Life Member since January 2021
Brion Norton KB7UUE Life Member since January 2021
Lisa Ann Owens KI7WLS Life Member since January 2021
Wayne Pommer N5WAP Life Member since January 2021
Jens Quistgaard WA7JQ Life Member since January 2021
Michael Radcliff WA7AD Life Member since January 2021
William Vaughn KJ7BIH Life Member since January 2021
Edward Walker AG7DT Life Member since January 2021
Larry Viesse W7PAN Life Member since February 2021
Javier Berrios KG7ELE Life Member since February 2021
Daniel Lipkie K7NOW Life Member since February 2021
David Chou K7YFM Life Member since February 2021
Cliff Corcoran K7CWC Life Member since February 2021
Andre Howard AG7SH Life Member since February 2021
Mike Stewart KF7SPZ Life Member since February 2021
John Sullivan KG7WFQ Life Member since February 2021
Ron Bailey KF7REH Life Member since February 2021
C. Beckmeier W7CEB Life Member since February 2021
David Fries KJ7USN Life Member since February 2021
Doug North NR5W Life Member since February 2021
Thomas Proehl K7FZO Life Member since February 2021
Tim Myers KK7TM Life Member since February 2021
Bob Morrison KE7JL Life Member since February 2021
David Williamson KJ7LRE Life Member since February 2021
Don Sayler W7OXR Life Member since February 2021
Jay Schmierer K7LFE Life Member since February 2021
Mike Blaszczak K7ZCZ Life Member since February 2021
Vic Owen KB7GL Life Member since February 2021
Jeff Livingston KI7MMS Life Member since February 2021
Eric Barendt N7EWB Life Member since March 2021
Kevin Westman KW1GUN Life Member since March 2021
Howard McVay KD7MA Life Member since March 2021
Rita Bailey Ikeda KI7GSQ Life Member since March 2021
Jaideep Chimni W7JDC Life Member since March 2021
Katherine Stewart KJ7JCM Life Member since March 2021
Gerry O’Brien AG7NA Life Member since March 2021
Janeen Olson KE7RWJ Life Member since March 2021
Richard Martorano N7WIT Life Member since March 2021
Bernard Littau KE7FEQ Life Member since April 2021
Jeffrey Milton KJ7SGJ Life Member since April 2021
John Murphy W7JSM Life Member since April 2021
Larry Bethurum AF7RW Life Member since April 2021
Steve Davis KI7ICL Life Member since April 2021
Andy Wright KG7FCQ Life Member since May 2021
Amy Hiedner WA7SPE Life Member since August 2021
S. Vercueil KJ7USZ Life Member since August 2021
Matt Harmon KK7BBQ Life Member since September 2021
James McMurdo W7JYM Life Member since December 2021
Davin Dhatt KI7PMG Life Member since December 2021
Philip Skrzypek KJ7YWT Life Member since December 2021
Jade Naaman K7JDN Life Member since December 2021
Damon Diessner KJ7PXC Life Member since December 2021
Robert Mutch KG7WFO Life Member since December 2021
Todd Lilleness KG7VRV Life Member since December 2021
John Newgas G7LTQ Life Member since December 2021
Vince Bersagol KV7BSL Life Member since December 2021
Ted Parker KF7SDO Life Member since December 2021
Dennis Heidner KE7NKM Life Member since December 2021
Mark Chase AG7YT Life Member since December 2021
Anton Sohn K7APS Life Member since December 2021
Steve Ramsayer N7SRR Life Member since January 2022
Sanjay Balachandran KG7WXL Life Member since March 2022
Lana Elder KK7BRQ Life Member since March 2022
Kirk Scarbrough WA7KS Life Member since March 2022
Walter Pierce KC7C Life Member since March 2022
Katherine Stewart KJ7JCM Life Member since April 2022
Thomas Kaikkonen KK7RJJ Life Member since April 2022
Andy Wright KG7FCQ Life Member since May 2022
Jack Wolfe KI7RMU Life Member since June 2022
Doug Mecham N6DJM (SK) Life Member since June 2022
Spencer Howard KK7HHS Life Member since September 2022
Jennifer Hoof KK7BRR Life Member since October 2022