Volunteer Opportunities

There are many volunteer opportunities at the Lake Washington Ham Club, including, but not limited to:

  • Serving on the Rain or Shine Committee: This is a great option for folks who like to help with hospitality or coordination during our seasonal Rain or Shine events. Folks are invited to contact John W7JSM  at W7JSM@outlook.com to express interest, and then join the committee's email reflector to stay coordinated.
  • Becoming a Net Control Operator & Hosting a Net: Want to try your hand at hosting a net for K7LWH? We have daily social nets and are always looking for more volunteers. Please check out this page to learn more: Wanted: Net Control Operators.
  • Serving on the VE Team: Become a VE with the Lake Washington Ham Club's VE Team, led by Dave Wickert, AE7TD. Have a look at upcoming sessions here: Find an Exam Session.
  • Contributing to Our Monthly Meetings: We value hearing from everyone in the club. Do you have a project you've been working on, and wish to do a little "Show and Tell?" Or perhaps you have a presentation on a ham-related subject? Contact the board at board@lwhc.groups.io.
  • Becoming a Mentor to Others: Mentoring, or "Elmering," is an integral part of our hobby's culture. There are many hams in our community who would benefit from your hard-earned experience and know-how. Offer your assistance on our nets, at our meetings, or via our board at board@lwhc.groups.io.
  • Contributing Your Ideas and Suggestions: It takes active participation to make our club the vibrant community you see. Let our community know what you're up to by participating on our email reflectors on Groups.io. We have an active Discussion page as well as other subgroups, such as DX Spots. Learn how to join our Groups.io here.

Finally, do you have an idea for the club? Would you like to serve in some way not listed here? Please let us know at board@lwhc.groups.io, we will be happy to hear from you and chat further!