
Social nets open to all licensed amateurs are hosted daily on the Rose Hill repeaters. For more information check our Nets page.

Kirkland / Rose Hill Repeater System

Analog repeaters

Band RX Freq. TX Offset PL Tone Linked Repeater Site
6M 53.170 MHz -1.7 MHz 100.0 Yes Rose Hill
2M 145.490 MHz -0.6 MHz 103.5 Yes Rose Hill
1.25M 224.360 MHz -1.6 MHz 103.5 Yes Rose Hill
70cm 441.075 MHz +5.0 MHz 103.5 Yes Rose Hill

The antennas for the repeaters are located at the top of Rose Hill. All frequencies are linked together along with Echolink and Allstar. Any transmissions are simultaneously rebroadcast over all the listed frequencies and the Internet.

Realtime Monitor

Note: The repeaters time-out and reset at the 3-minute mark. Please keep your transmissions to under 3 minutes.

The Kirkland analog FM repeaters may also be accessed via Echolink (node #4441 K7LWH-R) or via AllStar (node #51860).

Courtesy Tones

The Rose Hill repeater system has a variety of courtesy tones that play at the end of each transmission. These tones are broadcast across all of the RF linked systems to indicate the source of the transmission just before dropping the carrier. Stations on Echolink and AllStar will not hear the differentiated courtesy tones from the RF repeaters.

6 Meter Courtesy Tone
2 Meter Courtesy Tone
1.25 Meter Courtesy Tone
70cm Courtesy Tone
Echolink/AllStar Courtesy Tone
Important: In the event of an emergency, the Rose Hill 2M, 440 and 6M repeaters (not the 220) are reserved for the Kirkland Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES).

Bellevue Repeater System

Analog repeater

Band RX Freq. TX Offset PL Tone Linked Repeater Site
70cm 444.600 MHz +5.0 MHz 103.5 No Lincoln Square

The antennas for the Bellevue analog FM repeater are located at the top of the downtown Lincoln Square tower. This repeater is not currently linked to the Kirkland repeaters, Echolink, or AllStar. Any transmissions are only rebroadcast over the listed transmit frequency.

D*STAR digital repeater

Band RX Freq. TX Offset Node Linked Repeater Site
2M 146.4125 MHz +1.0 MHz C No Lincoln Square
70cm 443.0625 MHz +5.0 MHz B No Lincoln Square
23cm 1290.00 MHz -20.0 MHz A No Lincoln Square
23cm 1247.00 MHz Simplex Data No Lincoln Square

The antennas for the D*Star digital repeater are located at the top of the downtown Lincoln Square tower. The repeater nodes are not linked together by default, but if desired can be manually linked to the same DPLUS reflector to achieve the same result.

You can check the current D*STAR gateway status here or register to access the gateway here.

Use of Our Repeaters

The repeaters and associated Echolink and Allstar connections are intended to be used by any licensed operator who can reach them. We do ask that people and groups follow a few guidelines:

  • Listen, and listen, and then listen again before calling others on the repeater.
  • Always show respect your fellow hams and conduct yourself so as to earn their respect.
  • Always, and clearly send your full call sign when identifying yourself on the repeater.
  • Do not interfere with the regular operation of the system or other operators/events that may be in progress.
  • If connecting to us online, please do not crosslink our repeater with other nodes. Please directly connect to our node with your node, not through another station's node. Crosslinked nodes will be disconnected.
  • Groups and individuals may not use the repeater system for an event without permission from the Lake Washington Ham Club board.
If you are asked to do something by a net control operator (most likely you'll be asked to keep the repeater clear), please comply. From time to time the board may grant use of the repeater system for a planned event or an emergency and there is no sure-fire way to communicate this to you prior to your attempt to use the repeater. You may not hear any traffic on the repeater prior to their request, as they may be managing multiple channels/conversations at once that you cannot hear. Their ask to you may also be brief and to the point. Their intent is not to be rude; there is a very real possibility that they are involved in coordinating support for a medical emergencies or other public safety concerns.

Other Repeaters

Eastside and Seattle area

There are many repeaters in the Seattle area; a few are notable though, especially for newer operators.

  • WW7PSR - Puget Sound Repeater Group - This repeater system is well known in the region for having a social net every day for the past 30 years at 9am, 12pm, and 9pm Pacific. You will often hear hams that are active in our community and nets participating in these social nets.
  • W7LED - Mike and Key Amateur Radio Club - Located in the Renton area, this repeater system holds a number of nets throughout the week. If you live towards the south end of Lake Washington and are having trouble hitting our repeater in Kirkland, this is a great resource to check out.

Western Washington and surrounding regions

For a complete list of repeaters in our area, go to the Western Washington Amateur Relay Association, web site: . The WWARA is our local area frequency coordinator for Western Washington. Other close by frequency coordinators are:

If you are interested in viewing the WWARA coordinated repeaters on a map, download the zip file here and restore the files into an empty folder. Install Google Earth (or other KML viewer) on your computer and double-click on the kml file. The data is provided courtesy of the Western Washington Amateur Relay Association and is used with permission.

There are two resources in particular that are available on their home page that may be of interest to our members:

  1. A local band plan is there — with a lot more detailed information and recommendations than the ARRL general plan; and
  2. All of their repeater data is available as a CSV (for importing into Excel) and as a Chirp database.