In-Person Exam Registration (ARRL-VEC)
The Lake Washington Ham Club sponsors ham radio exam sessions at various places and times. Pre-registration and pre-payment of the exam fee via PayPal is required. We do not accept registrations or payments at the exam session itself.
The first step in the exam session registration process is to email the exam session Registrar at: expressing interest in taking an exam(s) at our session. We will mail you a PDF registration form for you to fill-in and instructions about the overall process. Once you have emailed in your registration form, the registrar will tell you to make your PayPal payment. Use this web page to make your payment.
You must first be re-registered before we can accept your payment. In addition, the registration process is not complete until the payment is complete. At that time the Registrar will email you a final commitment for a time slot at the exam session.
In the PayPal box below insert your name as it appears in the ARRL-VEC 605 form below.