About Us

In amateur radio, all frequencies are shared and are available for the benefit of everyone regardless of race, religion, gender, gender expression, age, disability, or sexual orientation. Lake Washington Ham Club's mission is to create a positive and welcoming environment for all amateur radio operators and enthusiasts where everyone can learn, enjoy the hobby, explore new challenges, and build life-long friendships. As such, we show respect to one another as peers and conduct ourselves to earn that respect at all times.

Our events are open to the public, and you do not need to be a licensed operator to join us. By participating in any activity or event organized by LHWC, you agree to adhere to the principles outlined in our Code of Conduct, posted below.

Lake Washington Ham Club is a Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Corporation based in Kirkland, Washington. Donations to our club are tax-deductible.

Contacting Us

General questions about the club should be sent to the board at k7lwh@lakewashingtonhamclub.org. You can also send postal mail to:

Lake Washington Ham Club
P.O. Box 2432
Kirkland, WA 98083 USA

Club Leadership

  • President - Jennifer Hoof, KK7BRR
  • Vice President - Mark Galbraith, N7YD
  • Secretary - Mike Kelly, KJ7JNG
  • Treasurer - Don Sayler, W7OXR
  • Membership - Anh Le, N7ANH

Our Privacy Policy

Early Club History

K7LWH, the Lake Washington Ham Club, has its roots as a radio community project designed to help people of all ages (especially kids 9-12 years old) earn an Amateur Radio License from the FCC. In 1993 ICOM of America agreed to loan Dave Condon, an elementary school teacher, an amateur radio. Dave earned his Novice and Technician class licenses with the help of the Boeing Amateur Radio Club and began to use the equipment in his classroom. From that start in 1993, the amateur radio project has gone on to license thousands of students, parents, and members of the community. Since then, the club continues to promote amateur radio within our community with many adult and youth-oriented services.

Past Board Members

  • Brian Stucker, KB2S, President
  • Jennifer Hoof, KK7BRR, Vice President & Secretary
  • Ron Poole, KF7YHQ, Membership
  • "dB" Baker, WA3DB (SK), Vice President
  • Bill Vaughn, KJ7BIH, Secretary
  • Dave Wickert, AE7TD, President
  • Eric Jarvi, AD7F, Vice President
  • James Wraalstad, WQ7H, Secretary
  • Steve Davis, KI7ICL, Secretary
  • Horace Hamby, N7DRW, Secretary
  • Chris Shriver, KE7EBL, President
  • Leanne Clawson, KE7MJS, Vice President
  • Dave Condon, KI7YP, Founding Secretary/Treasurer
  • Conrad Thompson, N7DUO (SK), Founding Vice President
  • John Schurman, AA7UJ, Founding President